This School Librarian Concentration is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education requirements to become certified as a School Library Media Specialist. With this degree, librarians function as teachers, program administrators, information specialists and collaborative partners who lead learning in elementary and secondary schools. To view in depth course descriptions, visit the Rutgers MI website.

Concentration Requirements
36 credits*: 11 required courses (33 credits), one three-credit elective, plus three zero-credit courses

Zero-credit courses (required for all students)

17:610:501 Introduction to Library and Information Professions
17:610:502 Colloquium in Library and Information Studies
17:610:503 Professional Capstone

11 Required Concentration Courses + One Elective

17:610:510 Human Information Behavior
17:610:514 Learning Theory, Inquiry, and Instructional Design
17:610:515 Emerging Literacies
17:610:525 Knowledge Organization, Access, and Services for School Libraries
17:610:516 Learning, Inclusion, and Student Engagement in School Libraries
17:610:530 Search and the Information Landscape
17:610:547 Children, Literacy and Reading
17:610:548 Young Adults, Reading and Literacy
17:610:550 Introduction to Information Technologies
17:610:575 Leadership, Management, and Evaluation of School Libraries
17:610:592-SM Field Experience: School Library Media
Elective: One 3-credit elective with an adviser’s approval

*In New Jersey, in addition to the courses required for the MI degree, the School Library Media Specialist certification requires students to satisfy an education component and apply for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS). The required nine credits are incorporated into the existing Rutgers School Librarianship program. Successful students in the Concentration will graduate with an MI degree and be eligible to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS).

Plan your coursework carefully! Not all classes are offered in the spring and fall semester. You can check Rutgers’ online schedule of classes to see what courses will be available for an upcoming semester. Feel free bring your course planning questions to the next RASL meeting. We’re happy to provide assistance in planning your course load.

Note that 575: Leadership, Management, and Evaluation of School Libraries and 592: Field Experience are meant to be taken in the same semester, towards the end of the program.

You can also consult with Dr. Joyce Valenza or Dr. Brenda Boyer for guidance on course registration.